Tuesday 29 March 2016

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

Complete the online exercise by choosinhg between the correct forms (-ed/-ing).

Click on the link below to go to the exrecise. 


Monday 28 March 2016

 Comparative Adjectives and Superlative Adjectives

 Have a go at doing this simple exercise dealing with comparative adjectives and the rules with words containing more than 2 syllables or words which end with 'y'.
Go to the link below to practise.

Click here to go to My English Pages - Comparative Adjectives Exercise 

Try this on-line exercise to see how you do with using comparative and superlative adjectives in phrases with 'as' and 'than' or with 'more than' and 'less than'.

Click on the link below to go to the web page and remember to check your score when you finish the exercise. 

Auto English link to Comparative Adjective Exercise