Wednesday 26 October 2016

Sports Collocations

hold / organise

a race / competition / tournament / a championship / an event


jogging / sailing / swimming / surfing / windsurfing / skiing / cycling


sports/karate/kung-fu/any martial arts


basketball / football / baseball

take part

in a competition


adventure racing is a sport you ____ in teams


anyway, it's not just like ______ jogging or running or something like that


the races are all ________ in all sorts of different places


the majority are ______in mountains or deserts

taking part - competing

Many people who are at the top of their sport in other fields are now ___________ because they find that, rather than_________ as individuals, ....they need to work as a team

organise/hold - compete

I think local governments should ________ competitions for schools in their area where any student over 15 can __________

go - taking/doing

I would encourage people to __________ swimming two or three times a week because I think it's an excellent way of _______ exercise.


People who enjoy team sports often __________ basketball or football, whereas people who enjoy individual sports _______ golf or ____ windsurfing

go, do and play

'Do yoga? Play yoga? Go yoga?'
We use the verbs play, do and go with sports and activities. Here is the information you need to know to use them correctly:


Play is used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against another person:
'How often do you play tennis?' - tennis is a ball sport.'I play poker with my friends on Friday night.' - poker is a competitive game. We play to win.'I don't like playing computer games.' - again, computer games are competitive so we use play.


Do is used for a recreational activity or a non-team sport that does not use a ball:
'I heard that you do karate.' - karate is a non-team activity.'I do crossword puzzles in my free time.' - crossword puzzles are not competitive.


Go is used with activities that end -ing. We go somewhere to do something:
'I'm going fishing on Sunday.'
'Are you going skiing this winter?'
'She said she was going swimming.'

Now try the interactive online exercise to see if you understand. Click on the link below.

Monday 17 October 2016

Grammar (So and Such)

Try this online interactive exercise to practise your understanding of these two difficult words

Click on the link below to start