Wednesday 17 August 2016

Reported Speech Use of English Part 4 Homework

For these type of transformations you need to study verb valencies or verb patterns.
Here is a list of some patterns which have turned up in the exam:
ACCUSEHe accused me OF using his phone.
APOLIGISEI apoligised FOR forgetting her birthday.
FEEL LIKEI didn't feel LIKE watching TV.
INSISTHe insisted ON going out in the rain.
PREVENTHer parents prevented her FROM going camping.
SUCCEEDShe succeeded IN getting her degree.
This online exercise will help you prepare:

Keep trying to resolve these questions where you must re-write the second sentence and maintain the same meaning and content of the original one.

Click on the link below and remember that you can check your answers if you wish.

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